
Elisabetta Galli obtained a Ph.D. in Law at the University of Padua, with a thesis on criminal law relating to the liability of legal persons, after achieving a Second Cycle Degree with honours (and a special mention for her thesis) in Law from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, taking advantage of the so-called “short course”. She also graduated with honours in Law Sciences (winning the award for the best degree thesis) and obtained a qualification to practice the legal profession.

Former research fellow in criminal law at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

She is a business consultant, in particular in the field of management systems - also acting as an auditor -, social responsibility of legal persons, safety in the workplace and processes of business and privacy (GDPR) implementation.

She is also a member of supervisory bodies of companies. She is DPO (Data Protection Officer).

She applies the innovative and internationally recognised technique of mind mapping to both business and training as Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor to teach mind mapping®.

She is the author of scientific publications on various topics, including corporate and legal persons liability, medical and surgical liability and cognitive enhancement.

Together with Matteo Salvo, she has published for Feltrinelli-Gribaudo the following volumes:
Professione: studente 30 e lode. Il metodo rivoluzionario per affrontare l’università con successo [ Occupation: student 30 with honours. The revolutionary way to approach university successfully];
Prepararsi ai test universitari. Il metodo rivoluzionario per affrontarli in modo efficace e superarli [Prepare for university tests. The revolutionary way to deal with them effectively and pass them];
Pianifica, organizza, agisci. Il metodo per gestire al meglio tempo e risorse. [Plan, organize, act. The method to better manage time and resources].